? ??????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??6 Grabs Today. 2243 Total Grabs. ??????Pre
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Monday, November 8, 2010

The leaves come falling down

Arriving in Washington in Fall let us experience the beautiful, colorful leaves. There were so many different shades of pink, red, orange, yellow, green and browns around and we couldn't help to admire how beautiful it all looked. Until they all fell off the tree...and into our back yard. Leaving us with tons of leaves to rake.

It was nice out, so I decided it was time for yard work. I gave the boys options...watch the babies for a hour while I rake up the leaves OR rake up the leaves themselves. To my amazement, they wanted to rake up the leaves. So I sent them out with a rake, boots and gloves and got them doing some manual labor. They didn't get very far but we had fun watching them from the warmth of the dining room. The babies had a blast yelling at them from inside and telling them to get to work and stop goofing off.

While they were raking, I sprayed spider and other creature repellent on the windows. I blasted every spider I saw near the windows with a spray of bye-bye. There weren't many, as it's getting cold...but there were enough to justify my time spent spraying the house. Yuck. I also put the pipe insulation on the outdoor faucets. We were supposed to get freezing temps last night, but that didn't happen...so no better time than now to do that.