? ??????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??6 Grabs Today. 2243 Total Grabs. ??????Pre
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kyler-Moo, veterinarian

He loves animals. Any animals will do, as long as they have paws, beaks, claws, snouts, trunks, feathers, fur or pelt. Today's obsession was the seagulls and ducks at the pier. He so graciously took the ENTIRE loaf of (moldy) bread to feed them. He originally threw it piece by tiny piece to each of the seagulls. That is until they started to fly too close and pee and poop while flying near us. At that point he started throwing entire slices of bread into the water...I didn't care what he did, as long as they flew far.far.away from us.